About Me


Thanks for visiting my blog!
I am Harini - the author for Sugar & Spice. This blog focuses on only vegetarian recipes and all the baking is done without eggs.
My motivation and support for writing this blog is my dear hubby - my biggest critic. All the dishes are posted in this page only after his full approval :)

I had no clue about cooking before the wedding, and my trials in the kitchen started only after the D day! Before marriage I rarely.. very rarely entered the kitchen to make a cup of tea for my dad or help my mom at times. I would have never imagined cooking a full fledged meal, leave alone writing a food blog!   

Now after lots of trials and experiments and lots of failures, I enjoy cooking. The kitchen is 'my space' at home and enjoy creating food.

After few months, I started keeping notes of the recipes in a note pad, or used to google them. Then DH sowed the thought of starting a food blog, so primarily it would be easy for me to keep track of my recipes.

This is how Sugar & Spice started in 2010. I now have a single place for all my recipes.  I am very happy that today it has reached close to 200,000 hits.

DH loves photography and enjoys clicking the pictures, at times when he is not around I am behind the lens!

All the pictures are clicked at home mostly with DSLR Canon Rebel and sometimes (time not permitting) with my handy Canon Point and Shoot and even with my mobile phone. We try to click the images to the best as possible to bring out the food colors with natural lighting to avoid post processing. But sometimes, I do minimal post processing using Adobe Photoshop and sometimes Picasa for a better cropping and sharper look.

As mentioned above, this blog contains only vegetarian and egg-less recipes. Thanks again for visiting my page. Hope you try them out and please do share your comments and feedback. You can also email me at harini[dot]blogspot[at]gmail[dot]com as all the comments and feedback is very precious and motivates me to try new dishes and also blogging. 
Also find Sugar & Spice on Facebook! Like my page for regular updates!

Thanks a lot!

All content in this website including text and pictures is copyrighted and belongs to me. If you need to use it or reproduce it, please ask first. Any unauthorized usage will constitute plagiarism.